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1、12023 年湖北省八市高三(3 月)联考英语参考答案听力部分:1-5 ABABC6-10 BAABB11-15 BCACC16-20 BCACC阅读理解:21-25 BCBDD26-30 CAADB31-35 CBDAC七选五:36-40EBGDC完形填空:41-45CABAD46-50 CDBAB 51-55CADCB语法填词:56.laid;57.with;58.who/that;59.and;60.awareness;61.is;62.to cooperate;63.further;64.has been valuing/hasvalued;65.the应用文写作One emergen

2、cy evacuation drillIn order to enhance the security awareness of our students,and teach them what to do when a fire or anemergency happens,our school organized a fire evacuation drill this morning.At half past nine oclock a.m,we heard the alarm.Instructed by some teachers in charge,we rushed to thea

3、ppointed areas in order.Afterwards,we followed the messages on the air to head for the safe place.On arrivingat the playground,we stood in line.Our headmaster made a summary,attaching great importance to safety.Not only did the drill increase our knowledge of protecting ourselves in the face of emer

4、gencies,a fire inparticular,but also provided a precious opportunity to deal with them.读后续写A moment later,the entertainment director ran back to us.She asked us why we didnt finish the showas promised.We told her how embarrassed we felt when we played in front of complete silence.We alsoexpressed ou

5、r concern that they must dislike us.“What are you talking about?”asked the director,“Ive beentalking to them.They love you so much.”It turned out that they just didnt know they were supposed to clap.Or they simply couldnt do so due tosevere physical or mental disabilities.All of us stared at her in

6、disbelief,and we decided to keep our word and finish the show.Returning to the stage,we played our final three songs.Finally,with the show over,we began packing upour instruments.We had still received no applause.However,as we were to leave,at least fifty people crowdedonto the stage.All of them wanted to thank us;some shook our hands,and some surrounded us with a wide grin.Several told us that we were the best band that had played for them in years.We couldnt believe it.We never feltas good as




关于作者: yun
