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2023年河北省九年级基础摸底考试(一)英语 考卷答案考卷答案






It is 46 today. She doesn’t go to school. In the morning, she goes to a 47.There are many good books in it. She 48 a book about traveling. She wants to 49the world during her holiday. Then in the afternoon, she goes to a(n) 50 club. Thereshe plays ping-pong and basketball 51 two hours. She thinks the y are 52 for herhealth. She 53 has a good time when she plays sports. At night, she thinks about a ____54. Some students in her class love playing computer games very much. She wants tohave a class meeting about the 55 and tell her students how to use the computer. Shethinks it is very important.41.A.It B.They C.She D.He42.A.difficult B.interesting C.busy D.boring43.A.but B.so C.or D.because44.A.old B.free C.busy D.late45.A.two B.three C.four D.five46.A.Monday B.Tuesday C.Friday D.Sunday47.A.class B.room C.library D.school48.A.reads B.sells C.meets D.knows49.A.watch B.sound C.find D.see50.A.sports B.art C.music D.English51.A.with B.for C.from D.of52.A.use ful B.different C.relaxing D.fun53.A.always B.only C.never D.just


( ) 59. Frank is n’t happy because.____A. he doesn’t want to go to the storeB.the T-shirt is too small for himC. no one(没人) buy s a T-shirt for himD. there is n’ta good T-shirt in the store

11.Why does the woman want to plant vegetables?A.To have fresh food. B.To exercise to keep fit.C.To save money.



关于作者: yun

2023年河北省九年级基础摸底考试(一)英语 考卷答案考卷答案的热门文章