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【晋城一模】山西省晋城市2023届九年级第一次模拟考试英语 考卷答案






14.Why did the man qui t his previous job?A.He felt bored.B.He felt stressed.C.He felt tired out.


26. David, you should wear warm clothes to avoida cold1.A. catch B.caughtC. catchingD. to catch

21. In Mr Lemon cello Library, why must the kids run away?A.Because they must work together to workout the clues.B.Because that is not a good place to spend the night.C.Because they are not interested in the library at all.D. Because they want to live in the Met in New York City.)


关于作者: yun

【晋城一模】山西省晋城市2023届九年级第一次模拟考试英语 考卷答案的热门文章