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1、高考英语官能描写一、与head相关描述【动词】nod点头; shake摇头; headache头疼;head前往;【词组】bend/bow /hang/drop/lower/ones head低头; bury ones head in the pillow用枕头捂住头; droop ones head耷拉着头; put/hold ones head in ones hands双手抱头; rest ones head on ones shoulder把头靠在某人肩膀上;poke ones head out探出头; scratch ones head挠了挠头 【必背金句】1.She jerked

2、her head up.她猛然抬起头。2.Her head felt as if it would burst.她觉得头要爆裂了。3.He scratched his head, not understanding a word.他挠了挠头,一个字也听不懂。4.I decided to go for a walk to clear my head.我决定去走走,清醒一下头脑。5.He could feel his head spinning after only one drink.他只喝了一杯就觉得天旋地转。6.She bumped her head against a low branch

3、.她的头撞到一根低矮的树枝上。7.He ducked his head to hide his admiration.他低下头掩饰他的羡慕。8.His head drooped and tears fell into his lap.他的脑袋耷拉着,眼泪滴落在膝盖上。9.Driven by curiosity, he poked his head out for a look.他被好奇心驱使,探头去看了看。10.He hung/dropped/bent/bowed/lowered his head in shame.他羞愧地低下了头。 二、与eyes相关描述【动词】squint眯眼看; sca

4、n仔细察看; gape目瞪口呆地凝视; blink/wink眨眼; stare/glare/glance盯着/瞪/瞥 【词组】gaze/glare/scowl/peck/glance/stare/peer at凝视/怒视/怒视/偷看/扫视/盯着看/仔细看 ; take a peek at = steal a glance at 偷看; catch a glimpse of 瞥一眼; raise ones eyes 抬眼看去; roll ones eyes at 对某人翻白眼; turn ones eyes on 目光转向; dart around 扫视四周 catch sight of 看见s

5、queeze ones eyes shut 紧闭双眼; look sb.straight in the eye 直视【必背金句】1.They exchanged a glance.他们交换了一个眼神。2.His eyes never left mine.他一刻不停地盯着我。3.She kept peering over her shoulder.她不停地回头看。4.She stood there, with her eyes fixed/settling on the sky.她站在那儿,凝视天空。5.She looked her father straight in the eye and

6、answered his question truthfully.她直视父亲的眼睛,诚实地回答了他的问题。6.The old woman gave me a hostile glare.这个老太太充满敌意地瞪着我。7.We gaped in amazement at her performance.她的表演使我们瞠目结舌。8.Tina squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip.Tina 紧闭双眼,咬了咬嘴唇。9.His eyes swept around the room.他的目光扫过房间。10.Tears blurred her eyes/vision.泪水模糊了她的双眼。11.I felt tears well up in my eyes.我感到泪水在眼里涌出来。12.His eyes grew wide/wid



关于作者: yun
