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2022届智慧上进·名校学术联盟 新高考·模拟信息卷押题卷(四)4 XGK(A)英语试题

2022届智慧上进·名校学术联盟 新高考·模拟信息卷押题卷(四)4 XGK(A)英语试题,下面是2022届智慧上进·名校学术联盟 新高考·模拟信息卷押题卷(四)4 XGK(A)英语试题部分示例,验证如下:

2022届智慧上进·名校学术联盟 新高考·模拟信息卷押题卷(四)4 XGK(A)英语试题

26. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A. The chess changed Tani’s family a lot 
B. Russell Makofsky offered Tani a living place 
C. Makofsky was disappointed al Tani’s behavior 
D. Tani’s story helped set up a GoFundMe campaign

7. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.America’s Newest Chess Master 
B. A Brave Boy in a Poor FamI 
C. Moving Stories About Tani 
D. A Hard Road to a Chess Winner 

CAs we all  know, Antarctica is surrounded by icebergs and it is the coldest, driest and windiest continent on the earth. However, the finger-shaped piece of ice that recently broke loose from the western side of the Ronne Ice Shell- -one of the world’s most extensive ice platforms–is worthy of a mention. Measuring approximately105 miles(170 km) long and 15 miles(25 km) wide, it boasts a surface area of 1, 660 sq miles(4 300 sq km)and is currently the world’s largest iceberg.
2022届智慧上进·名校学术联盟 新高考·模拟信息卷押题卷(四)4 XGK(A)英语试题

关于作者: yun

2022届智慧上进·名校学术联盟 新高考·模拟信息卷押题卷(四)4 XGK(A)英语试题的热门文章