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[甘肃二诊]2023年甘肃省第二次高考诊断考试(4月)英语 考卷答案






3.How long did the man wait for the woman?A. Twenty minutes. B.An hour. C.Fifteen minutes.


25. How did the author feel at the sight of the trees he had planted?( )A.Full filled.B.Worried.C. Confused. D.1Disappointed.

22.Which line should Tom choose if he is interested in Spanish and Indian culture?A.Amazon Rainforest Tour.B.MachuPicchu Tour.C.Cusco Tour. D.Lake Titicaca Tour.


关于作者: yun

[甘肃二诊]2023年甘肃省第二次高考诊断考试(4月)英语 考卷答案的热门文章