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安徽省2023年含山县九年级教学质量检测试卷英语 考卷答案






26.Why did the little girl answer that she was beautiful?A.She deserved long hair. B.She became a hero.C. She regained confidence. D.She had a heroic teacher.


六、完形填空(每小题1分,共8分)请阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的AB、C三个选项中,选出一个能填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。At the age of four. our kids began to help us with housework. They helped 26 their pets andclean the house. Now Kate can make her bed, 27 the clothes and set(布置) the table. Last week,she 28 for us. We were happy because it was delicious.I like getting kids to start early for a few 29. First, it is fun for kids to offer help. Kids like towork for the same things as their parents. They want to stay with their parents hut to do things bythemselves . It’sa good time to 30 them to help you when you are busy. Second, it’s never too31 for them to learn that the world doesn’t go around them. However, having kids do houseworkis not robbing(剥夺) them of their happiness. It makes 32 know that life has work and problems.33 , it does help. I feel that Kate likes doing housework and she helps me a lot.26.A. take care of B.get up C.worry about27.A. buy B.fold C.sell28.A. did housework B.did the dishes C.made dinner29.A. words B.reasons C.means30.A. borrow B.invite C.drive31. A. early B.old C.important32.A. him B.them C.her33.A. Slowly B.Hardly C.Finally

34. Which feature of CCP does Ms Marcella Bonifaz iD.A. Being eco-friendly.if az i stress?D. Through a spspecial cover.C. Being efficient.


关于作者: yun

安徽省2023年含山县九年级教学质量检测试卷英语 考卷答案的热门文章