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[遂宁三诊]四川省2023年四月遂宁三诊模拟考试一英语 考卷答案






31. According to the text, faced with technological revolutions, workers had betterA. continue ahead with their automated jobs and work harderCB. do other things while keeping up with the automated onesC. adapt to the change by doing other things to form a good combination with A ID. give up automated jobs nd just learn as much Al knowledge as possibleC. Cyclone seen as wake-up call on climate changeC.(D. Increasing ocean temperatures responsible for extreme events


11.What made his grandma become popular?A. Her daily photos. B.Her unique experience.

9.The house is made of wood. You’d better your cigarette.____A.cut off B.takeaway C.put out D.put off


关于作者: yun

[遂宁三诊]四川省2023年四月遂宁三诊模拟考试一英语 考卷答案的热门文章