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[聊城二模]山东省2023年聊城市高考模拟试题(二)英语 考卷答案






4.What does the man suggest the woman do?A.Have a good rest. B.Exercise daily. C.Work hard.


听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What’s the pro bale relationship between the speakers?akers?CA. Husband and wife.B. Teacher and student.C. Manager and a staff member.7.What is the man’s advice?B.A. Taking some medicine.B. Getting some rest.C. Seeing a doctor.

30.What should we do first for those in disasters?A.Get them to think straight. B.Enhance their confidence.C.Satisfy their primary nc cds. D.Teach them a new skill


关于作者: yun

[聊城二模]山东省2023年聊城市高考模拟试题(二)英语 考卷答案的热门文章