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2023年山东大联考高三年级4月联考英语 考卷答案






19.Where did the speaker have lunch yesterday?A.Beside a waterfall.B.Next to a lake. C.In a village.


29.Why is it hard to buy a Mong ee banana now?A.It is n’t affordable at all. B.It is n’tin mass production.C.It is made for certain people.D.It has n’t come into the market.

The little boy probably will 50 each afternoon that his mother takes him outside, as____he 5L . He may not remember each little thing that happens each time his mother lets him____52 his world. But he will remember that his mother 53 him and he will know that shehelps him to lear and grow in a pleasant and fun environment.Maybe we can all learn from the innocence of 54 that views a rainstorm not assomething to run through or to avoid, but something meant to explore, to 55 and to love.____41. A. desk B.bed C.toy D.chair


关于作者: yun

2023年山东大联考高三年级4月联考英语 考卷答案的热门文章