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22. What is the weakness of Mutual Glasses?
A. They can make users feel physically sick 
B. Users have trouble making phone calls.
C. They can affect the speed of Wi-Fi access 
D. Users have to charge the battery very oft

3. Which device’s design has been copied?
A. Clean Bot 
B. Mutual Glasses.
C. Mighty Atom.
D, Wash-As-Y ou-to 

B On the first day of preschool, my daughter Debi ran in enthusiastically. It was all fresh and new and fun to her. However, by day three, she wasn’t willing to get up to go there. I had to carry her in my arms with her kicking and screaming. When I arrived at the classroom out of breath, I almost broke down, and that’s when her leacher dismissed the other students and hugged my child into her chest. She looked me in the eye and said, “Go!” and so I did, because in that moment I saw my laughter get relaxed after finding the safety in someone who cared for her. A bridge of trust was and since then. neither of us has looked back

关于作者: yun
