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[宜宾三诊]2023届宜宾市普通高中2020级第三次诊断性测试英语 考卷答案






____( ) 28. They couldn’t get the baby sleep midnight.A.till B. although C. whether D. unless


7.Why did the man come?A. To bring Jenny a dress.B. To get Jenny some flowers.s.C.To invite Jenny to a movie.

14.What do we know about the questions in the show?A.They are just about movies.B.They can make people laugh.C.Some of the m ar e very difficult.


关于作者: yun

[宜宾三诊]2023届宜宾市普通高中2020级第三次诊断性测试英语 考卷答案的热门文章