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[咸阳三模]陕西省咸阳市2023年高考模拟检测(三)英语 考卷答案






) 4. Why did Jack come home late?A. Because he went to borrow a bookB. Because he was busy reading a book.C. Because he talked about a book with Neil.


24.Luckily, we had such a good____to visit the Palace Museum last summer andlearned a lot about Chinese culture.A.chance B.reason C.choice D.right

70.No one committing a crime can escape (catch) .________71.How we read given text depends some extent on our particular interest in reading it.72.As the climate is becoming hotter and hotter, this kind of grass is dying .________73.We tried to persuade her (wait) for their final decision, but she would not listen.


关于作者: yun

[咸阳三模]陕西省咸阳市2023年高考模拟检测(三)英语 考卷答案的热门文章