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2023届中考导航总复习·模拟·冲刺卷(二)2英语 考卷答案






V.补全对话(共5分,每空1分)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可以是句子、短语、或词),使对话完整。 ua9A:Hello, Mary! Long time no see.d atomio o aat a baA nidaat d a________B: Hi, To m 5l ? oo t ail vda b atA oao boogdon idrout ao dat zanu war gbutyA:Pretty good. I know there will be a charity(慈善) show tomorrow.____ ____B: 52.?llama diw a gouaan sdi bonalqo ains ias a dt d on an anA: It wi be bel d at the Center Park m hdi aw aao ana ab ui mamot ou a a m aB:Could I do something for the charity? n a tot blinw mada os ai anad jimol________A: 53.. There are many things you can do. You can sing to raise money for theblind. a ad wan adt abwot bovomr todo a li nT____B: 54.. I’m not good at singing. But I can draw pictures and sell them to raisemoney for the disabled people.d bul todon adi mdw di bnuoa r am de mi wA: Sounds great. Let’s meet at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow.____B:OK. 55.?A:At the post office. Then we’ll go to the park by bike together.B:OK.See you then.a i n gad bna ama mn a a amoid wan nun liu od o stuo sdia g aid an d i To tu q Aid bno an si ot aloc a


5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Why the cheese factory is closing.B.When the cheese factory is closing.C.Whether the cheese factory is closing.

13. What is the woman’s requirement for an apartmentC. Good decoration.A. Low price. B. Quiet environment.


关于作者: yun

2023届中考导航总复习·模拟·冲刺卷(二)2英语 考卷答案的热门文章