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[乐山三调]乐山市高中2023届第三次调查研究考试英语 考卷答案






13. What can be inferred from Beau chet’s words in Paragraph 3?A. Participants come from the whole world.B. The museum needs better cultural events.C. Face-to-face discussion is a useful intervention.D. Seniors should attend more art-based activities.


22.What should be avoided if one wants to cool down?A. Staying hydrated. B.Trying peppermint soap.C. Sweating yourself. D.Enjoying sugary frozen treats.

26. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?A.The theory of aeroponic s. B. How to grow food in the air.C.The advantages of aeroponic s.D.The downsides of traditional farming.


关于作者: yun

[乐山三调]乐山市高中2023届第三次调查研究考试英语 考卷答案的热门文章