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2023年中考导向预测信息试卷(五)5英语 考卷答案






and is also a Project Tiger Reserve and an clep hant reserve with around 55 species ofmammals, 450 species of birds and 50 species of reptiles.RlDCOST OF RIDE:R1 150 per head on elephant 4, 400 for a jeep with four people, 8, 200A,AOper person to 10, 600 for six people in a boatBEST TIME TO VISIT: October to May


CIn the early morning, drums sounds on a quiet country road in a village in Shaanxi pot’satradition s how named She huo. The actors painted on their face wih colorful paia t ana bang ngti h a good harvest (丰收) . Dancing and singing000 years ago, it’s an activity for fare rs e came a rok custom(民间风俗) during the Springwere part of the parade.Later on they be ca move away the bad luck and bring a fresh star.Festival and Lan tem Festival People hometown of She huo in 2013. That mean t heir fok customwas accepted by all over China. It usually has more than 100 Shehuo celebrations every year..In the activity, some usually perform on horses or trucks. They usually dress up as the rolesjust from China’s classic novels. Surprisingly, in some families al the members take part in it.

B 1. What do we know about the project?B. The bridge will be named after P-22.A. It is designed only for big cats.C. Most of the funds are from private donations.D. The construction is expected to begin in 2023.


关于作者: yun

2023年中考导向预测信息试卷(五)5英语 考卷答案的热门文章