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[济宁三模]2023年济宁市高考模拟考试(2023.05)英语 考卷答案






C.affordB.returnC.relaxed D.upset(D.)) 47.A.loseB.nervousD.discussed withC.agreed with) 48.A. sadB. listened toD.found(A.A.) 49.A. shouted toB.caught C.bought(D.)) 50.A.pickedⅧ.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


AThree foods every Indonesia visitor should tryFlavors of Indonesia are very diverse. Visitors say that even though they have been travelingand eating around Indonesia for decades, they still haven’t tasted every local dish. Here are threedishes that offer a sample of the many delicious flavors on offerTempehA rising star in plant-based diets around the world, Tempeh has in fact been a constant in英语试题(二)第3页(共12页)

The next morning, I was woken up because a polar bear was 25 closer. At fst thebear walked toward our boat. Then it made a(n) 26camera. The motion sensor reacted to the bear’s6turn and headed directly for my’spictures. The bear circled the27, making the camera start taking____e 28, gently sniffing(嗅) it. Unexpectedly the cameraslipped into the hole and disappeared beneath the deep ice.That was the worst moment in my photography career. I was so angry with myself.. Ayear later I obtained 29 bring a remotely operated vehicle(ROV) (遥控潜水器) to indthe camera. There was alot more ice tharant30____trip. As I knew well, polar bears couldbe nearby. We decided to 31 it. The ice was so thin, and soon we 32 technicaldifficulties and had to pull the ROV out of the water twice. 33 on the third try the ROVfound the camera. We shouted and 34 around on the ic____iceI was overjoyed to see all my 35 Isaw the polar bear breathing and sniffing thecamera. Recovering that camera is the most satisfying accomplishment of my career.. A. research B.adventure C. inspection D. training82. A. spotted B.avoided C. imagined D. caught23. A. threw B.buried C.placed D.applied34. A.character B. image C.acceptance D.description25. A. pulling B.shouting C. drawing D.crying26.A. terrible B. simple C.usual D.sharp27.A. movement B.situation C.position D.smell8. A. seal B.ice C.hole D.camera229.A. commitment B.recognition C.excuse D.permission30.A.ordinary Bprevious C.precious D.tight3 A risk B.consider C.escape D.abandon32..A. got over B. turned over C. ran into D.turned into. A. ObviouslyC.Initially D.Gradually33. B. AmazinglyD.danced34. A. stepped B.wanderedC. floatedD.friends35. A. animals B.facilities C.photos


关于作者: yun

[济宁三模]2023年济宁市高考模拟考试(2023.05)英语 考卷答案的热门文章