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[辽宁大联考]辽宁省2024届高三年级10月联考英语 考卷答案






22.Which habit improves a student’s social life?A.Two minutes of journal. B.Two minutes of e-mailing.C.Two minutes of meditation.D.Fi ftc en minutes of movement.


( ) 29.China is becoming more and more beautiful. As Chinese, we’re____D.similar toA.proud of B.ready for )) C.strict with

45.How long has Wu Yi qiao been practicing TCM?A. For 15 years.C. For 28 years.B.For 18 years.D. For 43 years


关于作者: yun

[辽宁大联考]辽宁省2024届高三年级10月联考英语 考卷答案的热门文章