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湖南省2023年下学期高二10月联考英语 考卷答案






2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。At the sight of Mr. Willow, Jack and Frey froze in shock.________________When they were about to leave, Mr. Willow handed Jack a brand new bat and glove.________


9.What is the function of Feed ly?A.To help users read news.B.To help users organize their life.C.To help users prepare for exams.

rm个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳her a to tns I hate about this time of year: outeof-tue caroling(圣诞颂) and badss c un k lh the r, holiday cards-bad taste is n’t limited to Christmas.Wh get that. But first, a litle 4 . In the winter of 1843, Sir Hey Cole, a well-on Engl h ct is who helped reform the British postal system, 42 hinself wih a very langeste k(#) al h ters and very litle time. Rather than spend his days 43 overeach resporse, Cole4ae idea: Why not send a small, decorated card instead? He enlisted the hel of a friend toae a(n) 45 for the front of the card and then had a London printer make a thousand copies.had to ill in the “to”and“from”lines, and-ta-da! -the ir t Chistmas card was


关于作者: yun

湖南省2023年下学期高二10月联考英语 考卷答案的热门文章