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乌鲁木齐市2024届高三年级第一次质量监测英语 考卷答案






B)665. How long did it take Molly to clear the road?A. About ten minutes. B.About fifteen minutes.C. About twenty minutes.D.About half an hour.


5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.The housework. B.Weekend plans. C.The weather.

The farmer s hook the snake off and 32 his work.The king was surprised by this and asked, “Don’t you know that the snake can hurt you? Is your二33 more important than your life?”The farmer said, “Dear king, 34 Idon’t work hard, my family will be hungry and die!That’s the only thing that I’m 35 of.””The king was moved and decided to 36 the farmer by giving money.A year later, the king met the farmer 37 . The farmer was well-dressed and looked rather fat.The king saw that he had a bandage on his right hand.The king asked him, “Can you tell me 38 happened to your hand?”“Dear king, ”the farmer replied, “my finger was hurt by a t horn(刺) on a rose. Now I need to339 my h and.”The king was surprised.“When you were 40, you were n’t afraid of a snake. But now you saythat you need to rest after being hurt by a t horn! eoe wo dn soThe farmer said, “Dear king, perhaps you’ve never heard the saying, That was then, this isnow!( ) 31. A.office B.field C.river D.store( ) 32.A.stopped B.changed C.continued D. finished( ) 33. A.work B.family C.friend D.time( ) 34. A. unless B.or C.so D.if( ) 35.A.tired B.glad C.afraid D.proud) 36. A. punish B.support C.prevent D.admire( ) 37.A. still B.even C.too D.again( ) 38.A.what B.how C.when D.where


关于作者: yun

乌鲁木齐市2024届高三年级第一次质量监测英语 考卷答案的热门文章