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[国考1号9]第9套 2024届高三阶段性考试(六)6英语 考卷答案

[国考1号9]第9套 2024届高三阶段性考试(六)6英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于[国考1号9]第9套 2024届高三阶段性考试(六)6英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


[国考1号9]第9套 2024届高三阶段性考试(六)6英语试卷答案


[国考1号9]第9套 2024届高三阶段性考试(六)6英语

A. In a hospital. B. In a school. C. In a TV station.15. Why did the woman drop out of college?A.She broke rules and was sent away.B.She doesn’t want to waste time in school.C.She needs money to support her family.

[国考1号9]第9套 2024届高三阶段性考试(六)6英语

( ) 9.A.Because it’s the cheapest.B.Because it has the best service.C.Because the food is the freshest.

aunknowingly opened the envelope o take ourto you. That being said, I offer my congratulations! I d on’t you for pursuing a career in a STEM field. US women have a lot of work to do to take our4 fieldChundreds of comments as peoplple were left surprised byplace in science.”The image of the card has,the heart-warming act. One said happily, “It brought a 554C0“Some humans are absolutelymy face. What a wonderfulheand kind gesture from a (n) 55 Aecond said, “wonderful.”D.card41. A. newspaper B.book C. letterD.reported42. A.hoped B.imagined C.realizedD.fame43. A. orderC.faithB.healthD. classmates44.A. teachers B.relatives C.friendsD.respectB.praiseC.forgive45. A. congratulate C.D.result47. A. quickly B.naturally C.suddenly46. A. rule B.reward C.gift D.accidentally48. A. in danger B.in trouble C. in return neD.in need49.A. reads B.tells C.showsD.spreads50. A. annoyed B.satisfied C.mixedD.familiar51. A. addressed B.attached C.limitedD.exposed52.A. understand B.know C.loveD.influence53. A. made B.invited C.gained D.passed54. A. picture B.flower C.tear D.smile55. A. stranger B.engineer C.professor D.student第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

[国考1号9]第9套 2024届高三阶段性考试(六)6英语

关于作者: yun

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