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1、高中英语必修一Unit 3巩固练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 一、根据句意和汉语提示写出单词。1.This is the house where my family have lived for three _(一代).2.It is very convenient for us to have a_ (聊天)with our family members and friends with the help of WeChat.3.There are 108 main _ (人物,角色) in the novel Water Margin, which is one of the four Chi。

2、nese literature classics.4.Basketball is my favourite sport and Id love to be a _ (职业的,专业的) basketball player one day.5.My sister is studying law at Cambridge University and she is likely to become a _ (律师)in the future.6.Li Na suffered from terrible pain in her knees, which made it impossible for h。

3、er to continue her _(职业 ,事业)as a tennis player.7.If your luggage is overweight, youll have to pay _(额外的) money.8.Please send speaker from your group to make a _(总结)of your discussion.9.Xu Haifeng is the first Chinese player to win the gold _(奖牌) in the Olympic Games.10.It is generally believed that 。

4、people with high EQ are open to new ideas and have _(积极的) attitudes towards life.二、单句语法填空。1._ (obvious), the nice girl was taken in by what the young man said.2.When I entered the room, I found him _ ( seat) in an armchair, deep in thought.3.The only approach to _( solve) the problem is to improve t。

5、he quality of our products.4.Whenever you feel angry, taking a deep breath can help you calm _quickly.5.You need to know or consider it at least twice before you jump in with both _ ( foot).6.With only 100 metres to go, Tom is _ the lead so he is very likely to win the game.7.I am beginning to feel 。

6、embarrassed by my complete _( ignore) of world history.8.My mother is busy _ her work so Im afraid she has no time to go shopping with me.9.His parents were proud _ him for his winning the first prize in the competition last week.10.Daisy doesnt have a talent for music, but she decides to make up _ it 。


关于作者: yun
