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1、高中英语必修一Unit 5巩固练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 一、单词拼写1._(慈善机构)is an organization which aims to help people in need.2.His _( 每年的)income of this year is twice as much as that of last year.3.We must_(测量) the length and width of the room to get the exact size of it.4 If you need a nurse urgently, you can press the _(按钮).。

2、5 The young man are trying to _(寻找) an opportunity to show his ability to the manager.6.We know how busy the_(教授) is now and we wont take up too much of his time.7.It is well-known that about seventy-one_(百分比) the earths surface is covered with water.8 Global Positioning System (GPS) can help you fi。

3、nd your_(位置) and get to where you want to go.9.1 am deeply attracted by the photographs taken by the famous_(摄影师)。10.People now turn to social media as their _(来源) of information.二、单句语法填空1.It is said that the town_(found) by English settlers in 1790.2.In order to see the sunrise, they determined_(se。

4、t) off early the next morning.3.He was strongly against my plan at first but_( eventual) he accepted it gladly.4.All the_( creature) on the earth need water to live.5.The_( happy) you are, the more friends you will make.6.The_( solve) is not perfect but no one can come up with a better one at the mo。

5、ment.7.It never occurred to me that I could have an encounter _my old friend in the street.8.In the last few years, China_( make ) great achievements in environmental protection.9.Too much food and too little exercise over the holiday season can quickly lead_ unwanted weight.10.The number of wild animals in the world_( crash) by about 60 percent in the past 40 years.三、语段填词1.There are _goods in the new supermarket, and the prices_from cents to dollars.The_ of them attracts many customers.( vary)2.From the_ expression on his face, we knew that he was _ to take up the job。


关于作者: yun
