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(新高考)高考英语一轮复习必修第二册Unit5 高考题型组合练

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(新高考)高考英语一轮复习必修第二册Unit5 高考题型组合练

1、高考题型组合练.阅读理解AJean was a single mother with a young son.She taught the first grade and worked very hard.She drove a small old car.One August,the teachers returned from a summer break to see Jean drive up to school with three children.The two girls were Jeans former students who had lost their parents。

2、.They did not want to enter a foster care center.They turned to Jeantheir first grade teacherfor help.Though she and her son lived in a small house,Jean took the girls in.During lunch,while other teachers shared life stories,Jean never complained about her new responsibilities.She did,however,speak 。

3、about her car.With three children to transport,the car was too small and slow.It even burned engine oil.Jean needed something new.However,she couldnt buy one with three children in her home.As a good friend,I listened to her concerns.At that time,I did not have much money.But I wanted to help Jean b。

4、uy a car.An idea hit me when I watched a TV show.One day,Jean received an invitation to a TV show.She was surprised but decided to attend it.Midway through the show the host called Jean to the stage.He explained he had received a letter,knowing her need for a new car.The audience listened to the det。

5、ails of Jeans story and were all moved.Then the host said that Jean would receive a new car for her family.Cheers filled the studio and Jean shook with disbelief.Six hundred miles away,I watched the joy of it all from the television in my living room.Jeans big heart taught me many lessons that year.。

6、I did nothing but share her story.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者的朋友简善良又热心,但过着贫穷的生活。作者为了让简获得新车,邀请她参加节目,通过大家的帮助,让她完成了愿望。1What can we infer about Jean according to the first paragraph?AShe knew the girls parents.BShe was very kind-hearted.CShe wanted to sell her small car.DShe didnt have summer break as other teachers.答案B解析推理判断题。根据第一段末句“Though she and her son lived in a small house,Jean took the girls in.”可知,简非常热心肠,故选B项。2What troubled Jean?AShe couldn。


关于作者: yun

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