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1、考点15 阅读之词义猜测(解析版)【命题趋势】词义猜测题型是高考中必考题型,每年考察1-2题。所以词义猜测题型也是考生需要复习的考点。词义猜测,即阅读中的完形填空。可以通过前后句子中的关键词寻找相对应的词。只要找到方法,拿下词义猜测轻而易举。当然,着需要我们掌握足够的词汇量才能游刃有余!【重要考向】一、了解词义猜测题型的基本设题方式和基本提示词;二、掌握词义猜测解题技巧;考向一 识别词义猜测题【典例】【2021年新高考全国卷阅读理解C篇】When the explorers first set foot upon the continent of North America, the skie。

2、s and lands were alive with an astonishing variety of wildlife. Native Americans had taken care of these precious natural resources wisely. Unfortunately, it took the explorers and the settlers who followed only a few decades to decimate a large part of these resources. Millions of waterfowl ( 水 禽 )。

3、 were killed at the hands of market hunters and a handful of overly ambitious sportsmen. Millions of acres of wetlands were dried to feed and house the ever-increasing populations, greatly reducing waterfowl habitat.29. What does the underlined word “decimate” mean in the first paragraph?A. Acquire.。

4、B. Export.C. Destroy.D. Distribute.【参考答案】C词义猜测题。根据前一句“Native Americans had taken care of these precious natural resources wisely.”可知,北美的土著人把这些珍贵的自然资源保护的很合理,本句中的“Unfortunately”可知,本句与上一句形成了转折,前一句陈述北美土著人做的好的地方,故可知,本句阐述移民者做的不好的地方,即移民者破坏了这些自然资源,故画线词意思是“破坏”。A. Acquire获得;B. Export出口;C. Destroy破坏;D. Distrib。

5、ute分配。故选C。【词义猜测题型提分秘籍】了解词义猜测题型的基本设题方式(1) 代词类猜词题 The underlined word them in Paragraph 2 refers to_.The underlined word “it in Para. 4 refers to _.(2) 其他类猜测题 What does the word X (in Paragraph X) mean?What does the underlined word X mean?What can we learn from the underlined sentence?The underlined w。

6、ord X probably means _.考向二 词义猜测题解题方法【典例】【2021年全国乙卷阅读理解C篇】Still, 55 percent of Australians have a landline phone at home and only just over a quarter (29%) rely only on their smartphones according to a survey (调查). Of those Australians who still have a landline, a third concede that its not really necessary and theyre keeping it as a security blanket 19 percent say they never use it while a fur。


关于作者: yun
