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26. Why are the fax machines used in doctor’s offices in the U.S.
A.They’ re widely used 
B. Theyre easy to handle 
C. They can protect patients privacy 
D. They re environmentally friendly

27. How should we deal with fax machines according to the author?.
A. We should replace cellphones with them 
B. We should bring them back in a proper way 
C. We should get rid of them and let them disappear.
D. We should send and receive messages with them as before 

C Counting all the world,s birds would be much trickier, for obvious reasons, but biologist Corey Callaghan set to be the first to come up with a hard number-or at least a reasonable range, In a new paper, he and two other researchers in Sydney, Australia, estimate(估算) there are likely between 50 billion and 428 billion birds on Earth. The researchers employed estimates from three databases produced by experts around the world for the scientific organizations Partners in Flight, the British Trust for Ornithology, and BirdLife International. They combined those data with observations from eBird, the worlds largest database collected by citizen scientists-in this case, amateur birdwatchers.

关于作者: yun
