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26. What made her seek to become a ballet dancer?
A. Her teacher’s encouragement 
B. The hardship she encountered in her life.
C Stereotypes that exist for women of color 
D Misunderstanding of who women of color are in the media

27. What is the main idea of the text?
A. A program provides chances for girls of color 
B. A woman brings ballet to the girls of color.
C. Ballet changes the life of a woman of color 
D. A woman has changed the negative stereotyping 

C It is reported that half the worlds forests have already been destroyed. This widespread destruction is due to deforestation(采伐森林)。 Deforestation is the removal of a forest or group of trees where the land is later transformed to a non-forest use. Cutting down trees is necessary for man’s survival. However, deforestation has a number of negative effects on the onment and needs to be controlled

关于作者: yun
