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But it was n’t always a big happy folk dance.“I had a lot of failures in the first couple of years and didnt really know what I was doing, ” he laughsEventually, he learned to be real itic about farming. It’s good to be an idealist.But if you’re going to stickwith it and expect to make a living at it, youve got to be realistic about he busines aspects Money, managingmoney, borrowing money, and all the things that a business person has to do. You have to leam to like that andbe wiling to be good at that. That may even mean buring a litle more fossil fuel, so you can get your produceto cities, where people pay higher prices.”That sense of farming as a practical form of idealism is probably the biggest thing the young people have tolearn. When you’re farming, you have to put survival first.28.Why did many of the young people want to become farmers?A. To make a lot of money.B.To apply their learning to practice.C. To protect the environment.D.To study the pollution in agriculture.


71.You have my word Iwon the lottery one day, I would buy you a new car.____A.if B.that C.if that D.that if


17.What does the man want to use the towels for?A. Lying on. B. Drying him off. C. Giving shade.


关于作者: yun
