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阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。Grassroots coach Wang Be iming has devoted himself to speed skating. He said, “I have focused on onething my whole life, which only makes me 41. At the age of 67, Wang remains as 42 as many________young people. His We Chat Moments have proved his 43, with messages such as“You will win if youpersevere”and“Never give up””Wang started skating at the age of 5, when he was given a pair of skates by chance . No one 44 that____skating would become his lifelong career. In 1976, he 45 a group of kids while skating. These 46____om Qing bin Primary School in Harbin were 47 by Wang’s skills on the ice, and in turn he was glad tere48 them. They were my first students, said Wang.After49 from university, Wang became a physical education teacher at Qing bin Primary School.Under his guidance, Oing bin’s pupils got good 50 at many provincial competitions. Beyond teaching speedskating, Wang was also a mentor(导师) for his students and 51 helped them overcome difficulties.


19.Why is it best to crawl to escape through smoky area?A. To get a clearer view.B.To breathe in more air. C.To avoid being burnt.


23.What can be known about the Bird’s Nest?A.It ever host 1964 Olympic Games.B.It will be used for another Olympics.C.It was used for the World Cup finals.D.It will be taken apart for another event.


关于作者: yun
