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23.B.【解析】推理判断题。本题的答案依据为第四段“ The National Park Service started105 years ago, but some parks are more than105 years old.”A项错在most,C项错在400,原文中为more than400,D项主体与时间不对应,第一段提到 the organization has been celebrating all year long in2021,可知 The National Park Service的庆祝应为全年,而第三段提到 National Park Week in2021ran from April 16 to April24,可知4月16号至四月24号庆祝的应该是 National Park week 

24.C【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段“It’ such a waste of time. T’d much prefer to be out working.I could be earning money already. If started working now at a restaurant like Big Chicken, I’d be earn-ing good wages as well as good tips and I’d be able to travel and see the world like you did “A】 n Alex不喜欢受到约束,他渴望去做他想去做的事,故选C
25.B【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段“ In fact it scolded the string for holding it back. The string was not happy with this situation and thought it was unfair.”由于“事实上,风筝责怪是线扯了它、限制了它,使得它不能任意飞翔。线对此很不满,认为风筝的指责是不公平的。”得知线表现出不满是由于风筝对它的指责,故选B。

关于作者: yun
