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衡水金卷 2021-2022上学期高三年级四调考试[新高考][联考卷]英语答案

衡水金卷 2021-2022学年度上学期高三年级四调考试[新高考][联考卷]英语答案,下面是衡水金卷 2021-2022学年度上学期高三年级四调考试[新高考][联考卷]英语答案部分示例,验证如下:

衡水金卷 2021-2022上学期高三年级四调考试[新高考][联考卷]英语答案

24.B【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段 As a boy I wanted to go to the South Pole. As a teenager, I decided I’d like to go to the North Pole too. And yet, I haven’t done either. It had taken me 31 years to just ake it to the arctic.可知,作者去北极是为了实现他儿时的梦想。故选B。
25.C【解析】词义猜测題。根据倒数第二段 Much of it seems to lie in the purity of the challenge. Scott talked of the appeal of a place that had been”unreached and unseen by humans”.以及画线词上文 With a view over shining lands covered by ice-sheets of和后文you have the feeling of living over the control of death n】 ill南极是人类无法触及和看不见的地方,所以挪威探家 Fridtjof Nansen说看到覆盖着难以想象的冰盖的闪亮土地,你会有一种生活在死亡控制之下的感觉。故 inconceivable的意思是“难以置信的,很难想象的”。故选C
26.C【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段 On the homeward journey the weather turned and we were left a storn.可知,在归途中

关于作者: yun

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