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安徽鼎尖教育2023届高三第一学期1月联考英语 考卷答案






第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最住选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Many professionals say they want to“ work smarter, not harder”to make the mosteffective use of their time.36 If you truly want to work smarter, you need to take a goodlook at your daily tasks and learn to organize them or pass the m on to someone else whennecessary.37 Give tasks that you should n’t be doing to someone who should be. Then, take onasyour own tasks in order of priority(优先) . 38Then do it now. If it’s going to take morethan that, then schedule it effectively to allow you to get more work done.Hire people smarter than you. Hire people who are smarter than you in specific areasparticularly those areas where you know you’re weak. As an organization, it’s difficult torly tgrow or s uced when all the work has to be done by the owner . 39p letIDo one single thing at a time. Too many people think they will accomplish more if they doas many things as possible at the same time. But the truth is that you are much moreproductive if you do one single thing at a time . 40 Focus on the most important task firstand then go down the list..A.Do more of the work you enjoy.B.Handover what you should n’t do.C.Plan your day, figuring out a to-do list.D.Can it be done in less than 30 minutes?E.This is often easier said than done, though.F.Do you know the side effects of working too much?G.Bring in talented people and let them do what they do best!【高三第四次联考·英语 第6页(共8页)LL】


8.How much money has Alan won?A.Two hundred dollars.B. Two thousand dollars.lea a i n ails i ulC.Two hundred thousand dollars.


2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。I finally realized that I had let math take over my life. ________________So I was off to three we cks of summer school, three hours of math each day. ____


关于作者: yun

安徽鼎尖教育2023届高三第一学期1月联考英语 考卷答案的热门文章