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1.创新的英语翻译 创新用英语怎么说


[词典]innovate; bring forth new ideas; blaze new trails; make innovations; inaugurate


1、In short, we will continue to innovate and develop.


2、To develop the relief well in new time that needs bring forth new ideas in system.


3、While the nation is bringing forth new idea, the library’s management and service have to blaze new trails.


4、Why is it so difficult to make innovations in foreign language research?



创新chuàng xīnbring forth new ideas; innovate; blaze new trails; make innovations; create sth. new:在艺术上来不断创新源 constantly bring forth new ideas in the arts勇于实践,大胆2113创新。

Be bold in putting things into practice and blazing new trails.创新“创新”5261理论 innovation theory创新霉素 creatmycin; chuangxinmeisu创新精神4102 enterprising spirit; break-new-ground spirit创新能力 ability to innovate创新头1653脑 creative mind。



chuàng xīn

bring forth new ideas; innovate; blaze new trails; make innovations; create sth. new:

在艺术上不断创新 constantly bring forth new ideas in the arts

勇于实践,大胆创新。 Be bold in putting things into practice and blazing new trails.

创新“创新”理论 innovation theory

创新霉素 creatmycin; chuangxinmeisu

创新精神 enterprising spirit; break-new-ground spirit

创新能力 ability to innovate

创新头脑 creative mind


创新: [ chuàng xīn ] 1. bring forth new ideas 2. blaze new trails 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 我在一家非常富有创新精神的公司工作。

I worked in a very innovative company. 2. 新方法、革新机智的诡计、办法或方法,尤指新颖别致的方法;创新 A clever trick, method, or device, especially one that is new and different; an innovation. 3. 麻醉是一项伟大的医学创新。 Anesthesia was a great innovation in medicine. 4. 他是个敢于思考的人,富有创新观点。

He is a bold thinker, with lots of original ideas.。


[innovate] n.创新, 革新, 改革, 新发明。

创新[chuàng xīn]innovate; bring forth new ideas; blaze new trails; make innovations; inaugurate.1.勇于实践,大胆创新。Be bold in putting things into practice and blazing new trails. 2.为了拓展业务,他需要提高整个团队的管理技能和创新能力。

To grow the business, he needs to develop management expertise and innovation across his team. 3.具有典范性的创新确保了这次成功。 Underpinning this success has been an exemplary record of innovation. 4.这不是一件纯粹为艺术而艺术的华而不实的东西,而是进行了大胆创新的非凡作品。

This isn’t highfalutin art-about-art. It’s marvellous and adventurous stuff. 5.我可以理解。我不指望一个乐队总能创新。

I can dig it. I don’t expect a band always to be innovative。.。


关于作者: yun
