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1、龙岩市一级校 2022-2023 学年第一学期期末高三联考英语试题参考答案第一、第二、第三部分1-5 BCBAA6-10ABBCC11-15ACBAC16-20BACCA21-23ABD24-27CBCD28-31CADA32-35ACAB36-40FBGEC41-45CBACA46-50DBACB51-55DBDAC56.that,57.are,58.came,59.wisdom,60.In/By,61.to replace,62.a,63.probably,64.receiving,65.shorter第四部分第一节New Era,New StudentsBathed in the glo

2、w of the new era,we all have the strong responsibility to behave well.However,some uncivil phenomenadisrupt the harmony of nature.Around us therere always some students who often forget to pick up the litter after a game of basketball or other activities.Whats worse,some litter here and there with s

3、nack packages or papers.In order to address such problems,a noticeablesign should be put up to remind them.Besides,everyone should behave ourselves and set a good example to others.All in all,lets spare no efforts to show a brand-new figure in the new era.第二节I became increasingly uncomfortable in th

4、e well.The water wasnt freezing,but it wasnt the temperature Id want toswim in.And I didnt feel my feet touch the bottom of the well.The stones were tightly packed,which made me unable toclimb up.Exhausted and helpless,I fell in a certain panic.“Try never to panic,it is hard to get things right when

5、 you arepanicked,”dads words rang in my ear again and again.After trying out a thousand times,I finally got a firm foothold againsttwo small little rocks and got my breath back slightly.Above the well,Angela kept the emergency services updated without abreak.With great relief,I heard sirens(汽汽笛笛)app

6、roaching.At last,faces appeared at the top of the well.A lifejacket waslowered down,followed by a rope,so I had something to hang on to.With the help of firefighters,I was eventually pulled outof the well safe and sound.Standing beside the well and taking a deep breath,I realized how lucky I was and how important theencouraging words are for those in danger.听力录音稿Text1M:Excuse me,we have been waiting for our meal for twenty minutes.And we have to take the plane afterwards.W:Im really sorry.There


关于作者: yun
