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天一大联考 2022-2023学年(下)安徽卓越县中联盟高三年级开学考英语 考卷答案

天一大联考 2022-2023学年(下)安徽卓越县中联盟高三年级开学考英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于天一大联考 2022-2023学年(下)安徽卓越县中联盟高三年级开学考英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)


天一大联考 2022-2023学年(下)安徽卓越县中联盟高三年级开学考英语试卷答案


天一大联考 2022-2023学年(下)安徽卓越县中联盟高三年级开学考英语

It sounded 46, but it really changed my idea about travelling. He helped me realizethat travel is about learning and observing local 47. It’s far too easy to go into a(n)48 country and believe your ways are better. “But if you study, ask questions, and try tolearn from the locals. you’ll have far richer 49 , ”he promised me.On other vacations, when I was on my tour way to Cancun, I was 50 a tourist. I____only stayed there for a week to see the 51 and places of interest and then left. The culturedidn’t 52 me. I left the cities and towns without really knowing anyone or anything thatexisted in those places to which I had paid a visit.This time, I promised to myself that I would be a 53 traveler. After seven months of54 backpacking in Africa from Cape Town to Cairo, I realized that having a student-likemindset(观念模式) helped extend my trip and helped me learn a lot, which 55 me morethan any other trips ever did to me.41.A.pet B.parents C.friend D.backpack42.A.looked at B.checked out C.arrived in D.took on43.A.happy B.worried C.sure D.excited44.A.choices B.tips C.chances D.plans45.A.teacher B.player C.actor D.student46.A.simple B.perfect C.foolish D.boring47.A.events B.houses C.habits D.cultures48.A.big B.new C.interesting D.old49.A.dreams B.experience C.tasks D.practice50.A.just B.already C.quite D.even51.A.watches B.mountains C.sights D.pictures52.A.welcome B.change C.respect D.hurt53.A.real B.hopeful C.lovely D.healthy54.A.successfully B.suddenly C.politely D.hurriedly

天一大联考 2022-2023学年(下)安徽卓越县中联盟高三年级开学考英语

20.What does Crossman usually do in his spare time?A. Drive a taxi.B. Teach English.C.Tour around China


30.Why did Anthony take the trouble to repair the broken bike?A. It was the type of bike he liked.B. It was a must to finish the training.C. He needed to prove his ability.D. He wanted to get real experience.

天一大联考 2022-2023学年(下)安徽卓越县中联盟高三年级开学考英语

关于作者: yun

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