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[茂名一模]广东省2023年茂名市高三第一次综合测试英语 考卷答案






C3. What does Ginni think about Antarctica after the journey?____A. It could be a honvfor her.B. It should be easily accessibleC.It should be well preserved.D. It needs to be fully introduced


19.What type of books are the most popular in Mexico?A.Romance novels B.Horror books C.Fantasy books.

34.Which of the following is NOT the typical symptom of an x icty?A.Trying to find solutions to the worst situation from time to timo.B.Hesitating to make the final decision for fear of mistakes.C.Heart racing and blood pressure rising at the imagined situation.D.Feeling restless or nervous even when there’s nothing threatening around.


关于作者: yun

[茂名一模]广东省2023年茂名市高三第一次综合测试英语 考卷答案的热门文章