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(四省联考)高三2023老高考新课标适应性测试英语 考卷答案考卷答案






4.Mr. Paternò’s (graduate) has inspired news reports around the world, partly____because of his age.5.一Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?


33.When did the man’s family first come to the U.S.?A. Very recently.B. Around 300 years ago.C. About 200 years ago.

35. Why is Anni c Ern aux different from other writers, according to Anders Oss on?A.She suffered a lot of hardships.B.Her works are short and moving.C.Her works are about unexplored subjects.D.She shares painful fe clings through her writing.



关于作者: yun

(四省联考)高三2023老高考新课标适应性测试英语 考卷答案考卷答案的热门文章