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2023届蓉城名校联盟2020级高三第二次联考英语 考卷答案考卷答案






31.Where does this text probably come from?A.Amusement. B.Science report.C.Advertisement.D.Book review.第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。The sweetest memory of my childhood is about a round table. When I was still little, wekids would play hide-and-seek under the table 37 the grown-ups were having a chat.When I got a bit 38 , my aunt brought back her boyfriend and my grandma cheerfully39 another seat to the round table. It seemed a little more 40 , but we all felt muchcloser. When I was twelve, my grandpa 41 . However, when the whole family gottogether, we totally 42 tha t his chair, his bowl and his chopsticks should 43 thesame. Even though his seat was 44 , we felt like that he had never left us.We all have a table like this in our 45 .It is a sign of reunion of our family 46 ourfeelings. Whatever we get together for, the feeling of reunion is the same. Different culturesare 47 byus around the table. What’s more, we 48 the love not only for our family,but also for a company, our 49 and even the whole world.The history of our nation has been the stories of looking for or running to the round tablewhich we belong to. The round table has been a 50 of the Chinese feelings. It was, it isand will 51 be.37.A.while B.or C.but D.so38.A.taller B.bigger C.older D.stronger39.A.set B.lay C.fetched D.added40.A.crowded B.friendly C.enjoyable D.different41.A.was in debt B.fell ill C.los t his job D.passed away


While I was t rving to decide if the man would be displeased or 44 if offered to step inand pay the45 the voung cashier said, “Sir, this happens all the time. It’s not a problem.I promise we can 46 a solution together.The line behind us was growing long, but the cashier didn’t showhe cashier didn’t show any 47 o r anger. He448 the man was over his limit for the month but was n’t over by much, so he helped thecustomer 49 which things he could make do without until his 50 was refilled. It was____551 that the cashier had done this before. He told his old customer once again that this was acommon 52 and not a problem at all. The man left with his dignity 53 . He would 54have a sense of loyalty(忠诚) to that grocery-store chain.When it was my turn, I 55 the cashier’s name on his nametag. And when I got home, Isent an email to the manager of the store to 56 the employee for his kindness and customerservice. I got a reply with thanks from the manager, letting me know that my remarks would be577 in the employee’s file and noted each time he was up for a 58 .While his act of kindness had a positive influence on the life of someone who was i 59thatday, I hope my act of kindness 60 had a positive effect on that cash ihiersiblyhis paycheck.41. A.delaying B.searching C.rejecting D.repeating42. A. limit B.demand C.expectation D.requirement43. A. regretful B.angry C.frightened D.embarrassed44. A. proud B.grateful C.curious D.peaceful45. A. rent B.fine C.agreement D.difference46. A.figure out B.end up C.relyon D.bring in47. A. stress B.worry C. impatience D.disbelief48.A.warned B.confirmed C. acknowledged D.reflected49. A. share B.deliver C.remember D. determine50. A. account B.blank C.cheque D.pocket51. A. natural B.import a C.obvious.ImportantD.normal52. A. explanation B.occurrence C.mistake D. dilemma53.A und a mod53. A. undamaged B.discovered C.increased D.overlooked54. A. unwillinglyB.coincidentally C.luckily D.undoubtedly55. A. reviewed B.noticed C. compared D.wrote56. A. recommend B.forgive C. praise D.choose57. A.included B. folded C. measured D.needed58. A. regulation B.negotiation C.celebration D.promotion59. A. defending B. struggling C.competing D.starving60. A. at first B.at once C.at least D.at most第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

( ) 29.–What do you have for breakfast?- and .________ B.Milk; hamburgersA.Milks; hamburgersD.Milk; hamburgerC.Milks; hamburger



关于作者: yun

2023届蓉城名校联盟2020级高三第二次联考英语 考卷答案考卷答案的热门文章