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[宝鸡二模]2023届宝鸡市高考模拟测试(二)英语 考卷答案考卷答案






34. What can be inferred from paragraph 6A. The scientists have tried many other designs before the seed-like sensors.B. The seed-like sensors travel much slower than its common competitors.C. The seed-like sensors can rise up from the ground without any help.D. The seed-like sensors can only travel in a mild wind.


29.What does the author want to show by providing some data in paragraph13A.To help the researchers monitor the two sites.B.To show the difference betwen the two sites.C.To inform us how big the two sites areD.To show the rapid change of the two sites.

24.What did Berl on i always hope to do in the past?A.Act in films or plays.B.Direct films or plays.C.Train animals professionally.D.Volunteer in an animal shelter.



关于作者: yun

[宝鸡二模]2023届宝鸡市高考模拟测试(二)英语 考卷答案考卷答案的热门文章