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2023届先知模拟卷·新教材(二)英语 考卷答案考卷答案






20.What do most American graduate students think of spending time on their studies?A.It is unnecessary. B.It is not rewarding.C.It will payoff.


____your 53 with that toy You gave Paul a very nice toy that made him happy, and you shouldbe happy about that.””____Mrs. Bauer’s 54, which I did not fully understand at the time, was that it truly is555 to give than to receive.41. A. cheat B.cry C. rush D.doubt42. A. exchange B. deliver C.operate D.create43. A. afforded B.decided C. continued D.pretended4. A. honour B.shock C. challenge D.pleasureA445. A. made B.hit C. caught D.chanced6.A. picked outB. took down C.applied for D.showed offB . A. selected B.received C.updated D.maintained48. A. As a resultB.In particularC.In other wordsD.For example449. A. threw B.placed C.passed D.racedC50. A. entirely B.unfortunatelyC. noticeably D.regularlyB51. A. frank B.sorry C.amazed D. anxiousD52. A. aware B.fond C.confident D.proudC53. A. expectation B.stress C.disappointmentD.inspiration54. A. message B.position C.impression D. announcement555. A. easier B. better C. braver D.quicker第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

1.What does the woman suggest doing?A.Going on a diet. B.Seeing a play. C.Having some ice cream.



关于作者: yun

2023届先知模拟卷·新教材(二)英语 考卷答案考卷答案的热门文章