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[济宁一模]2023年济宁市高考模拟考试(2023.03)英语 考卷答案考卷答案






3.Which part of a tree can’t he lp find minerals?A.Branches. B.Roots. C.Leaves. D.Seeds.


7. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Business partners. B. Colleagues. C.CClassmates.

34.How does the author convey his idea in the text?A.By listing research numbers. B.By making comparisons.C.By providing explanations. D.By giving examples.



关于作者: yun

[济宁一模]2023年济宁市高考模拟考试(2023.03)英语 考卷答案考卷答案的热门文章