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神州智达 2022-2023高三省级联测考试 冲刺卷Ⅰ(四)4英语 考卷答案考卷答案

神州智达 2022-2023高三省级联测考试 冲刺卷Ⅰ(四)4英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于神州智达 2022-2023高三省级联测考试 冲刺卷Ⅰ(四)4英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)


神州智达 2022-2023高三省级联测考试 冲刺卷Ⅰ(四)4英语试卷答案


神州智达 2022-2023高三省级联测考试 冲刺卷Ⅰ(四)4英语

31.Why do the young people may over rate their future life?A. They face decreasing incomes.B. They expect too much from incomes.C. They forecast the income in a wrong way.D. They may not be aware of their adaptation to the life changes.

神州智达 2022-2023高三省级联测考试 冲刺卷Ⅰ(四)4英语

12.What is Mathew going to do today?A.Cheer on his children.B. Train younger runners.C.Prepare for a race.

25.What do we know about Sandy?A.Sandy died on Berl on i’s farm in 1983.B.Berl on i left Sandy in the animal shelter.C.Berl on i adopted Sandy before it became an actor.D.Sandy was Berl on i’s pet long before he worked for the play Annie.

神州智达 2022-2023高三省级联测考试 冲刺卷Ⅰ(四)4英语


关于作者: yun

神州智达 2022-2023高三省级联测考试 冲刺卷Ⅰ(四)4英语 考卷答案考卷答案的热门文章