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炎德英才大联考2023届湖南新高考教学教研联盟高三第二次联考英语 考卷答案






15.What made the man get into teaching?A.His interest.B.The easy work.C.The high salary.


34.WhwaterA. It has been less influenced by other factors.er content in the Chinese samples ideal for studying the moon’s water?R It contains more water than those collected by US.. t is the youngest sample influenced by the solar wind.D. It was taken from the moon’s interior and less polluted

Edina said her mother lived for being with her family and taking care of people.“When Sanjawas working, my mom would still try to make her something to eat, no matter how sick she was, ”Edina aoung esta hen, S eval a’s lite was coming to an end, she asked Sanja to take her place at herhe vwasa’s graduation, ”said Sanja, who is a m other of three herself.She agreed.Due to COVID-19, there was no graduation or pinning ceremony.Edina’s manager at Marian joyRehabilitation Hospital decided to host a p inning ceremony for her and have Sanja present the pin.Sanja has fulfilled her promise, ”Edina said.Edina and Sanja are now caring for patients alongside one another as colleagues at Marian joy.4.What does the underlined word“this”in Paragraph 3 refer to?A.Leaving the hospital. B.Working as a nurse.C.Facing death positively. D.Caring for Edina’smother.5.What can be learned about Sanja and S eval a?A.They enjoyed volunteering. B.They were cancer survivors.C.They had unhappy marriages. D.They developed a close bond.6.What would be S eval a’s regret?A.The loss of the chance to study medicine.B.Her absence from Edina’s school graduation.C.Failing to keep the promise made to Sanja.D.Never cooking a good meal for her husband.


关于作者: yun

炎德英才大联考2023届湖南新高考教学教研联盟高三第二次联考英语 考卷答案的热门文章