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百校联赢·2023年安徽名校过程性评价三英语 考卷答案






John was crazy about playing basketball Every day after school he would spend much time practising to 41basketball skills Sometimes he didn’t go back home until sunset which made his mother 42 angry.One day a she was given a chance to watch a basketball game he dreamed about 43 the college basketballteam the next year.On the way he was happy secretly.Suddenly a car hit him.Luckily some passers-by called the44 number in time and he was sent to hospital at once.What a terrible experience !He 45 from terrible injuries.It seemed like a bad dream.John woke up in ahospital room 46 to death.When the doctor told him that both his 47 were broken and he had to sit in thewheelchair (轮椅) for the time being he knew his 48 of becoming a member of college basketball team wasover.He was really 49 John followed what the doctor had told him but it did not 50 entirely.When he lefthospital John was sent to a health center to 51 He never heard of this center before but he was relaxed whenhe knew his mother would keep him 52 Life there was a struggle for him for the first few days.Despite the bestefforts he 53 to stand up.Bu t he 54 to the changes.As time went by he learned to be 55 about himselfbravely facing the difficulties.41.A.improve B.admire C.challenge D.apply42.A.suddenly B.actually C.extremely D.finally43.A.finding B.making C.searching D.contacting44.A.flight B.credit C.electricity D.emergency45.A.came B.suffered C.learned D.prevented46.A.frightened B.awkward C.attached D.excited47.A.hands B.ears C.legs D.eyes48.A.addiction B.pressure C.design D.goal49.A.fearless B.hopeless C.jobless D.homeless50.A.work B.affect C.cheat D.compete51.A.balance B.comment C.recover D.bury52.A.company B.breath C.gap D.adult53.A.sweated B.erupted C.demanded D.failed


66. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Sore neck are only common among old people.B.Adjusting a chair properly treats your body well.C.Playing your phone too won’t affects your health.D.A good workstation has nothing to do with your body.

20. What should the students provide if they want to take the makeup exam?A.A doctor’s note. B. Their parents’approval.C.A letter from the teacher.


关于作者: yun

百校联赢·2023年安徽名校过程性评价三英语 考卷答案的热门文章