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安徽省2024届八年级第七次阶段性测试(R-PGZX G AH)英语 考卷答案

安徽省2024届八年级第七次阶段性测试(R-PGZX G AH)英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于安徽省2024届八年级第七次阶段性测试(R-PGZX G AH)英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)


安徽省2024届八年级第七次阶段性测试(R-PGZX G AH)英语试卷答案


安徽省2024届八年级第七次阶段性测试(R-PGZX G AH)英语

The CO emissions from insect production can be 10 times lower than for regular meat. The researchersalso said cutting down on protein and fat would help, as all the diets analysed provided more of boththan is recommended for dogs and cats.Plant proteins have very low environmental impact compared to those from meat and a studypublished in April found that vegetarian(素食的) diets were healthier and safer for dogs, as long as theywere nutritionally complete.4.This article is written to.____A.advocate abandoning wet pet foodB.offer solutions to reduce gas emissionsC.comp are the impacts of different pet foodD.present studies on more nutritious pet food

安徽省2024届八年级第七次阶段性测试(R-PGZX G AH)英语

2.What is the woman mainly talking about?A.Her working experience.B.Her future jobs C.Her college life.

31.What is the effect of the study on Sugi ar to?A.It makes him famous.B.It gives him new topics to explore.C.It changes his view on wildlife-vehicle collisions.D.It provides inspiration for him to communicate with wildlife.

安徽省2024届八年级第七次阶段性测试(R-PGZX G AH)英语

关于作者: yun

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