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百师联盟2023届高三信息押题卷(一)新教材英语 考卷答案






( ) 1. How does the girl want to go around Beijing?A. By bike. B. By car. C. By bus.


32. What is the printing process of the 3D printed objects?A.From the bottom up. B.From the top down.C.Left to right. D.Right to left.

Ⅵ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A“Any common person can make a big difference to others.”This is one of Yang Shut ing’sfavorite 31 . It always 322 her to lead her neighbors to get rich together.3 the villagersYang was born in a village in Shao yang Hunan. It’s far from the city, 33have no other ways of getting money but to work on the farm. She 34 badly in a car accidentwhen she was 20.She had to 35 a wheelchair(轮椅) to live. Yang turned her e yes to theInternet world after considering what to do with her life in the wheelchair . She 36 found themarket of the man-made flowers was very huge, so she set up a store on Tao bao in 2014.The next year, she started a 3737 in May 2015. It made three different kinds of manmade flowers. It needed lots of workers, so she i vited more than 200 38 families to work.They can work at home. For this, each village r can get 2000 to 4000 vuan a month. Later, shealso started a la different countriestrade such as footballs, backpacks, man-made flowers. These41With hher help, all these poor families and villagers get out of porty(贫穷) now.A)31.. A. sayings B.inventions C. memories D.interests


关于作者: yun

百师联盟2023届高三信息押题卷(一)新教材英语 考卷答案的热门文章