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安徽省2022-2023学年七年级下学期期末教学质量调研英语 考卷答案






22. Which is suitable for people interested in writing computer programmes?A. Kil dinan Park Dale Farm. C B.Ingenium Academy.C Reach Cambridge. D.Language and Music For Life.


12.What can we know about Fiona?A.She went to Beidaihe by air.CB.She came back this morning.C.She visited her aunt in Beijing.

ESean was a king and always cared about his people. When he met an old man cutting wood in theforest, he felt sorry.He asked i“Don’t you have children? You’re still working hard at this age. ”The old man saidves, but children lived in the big city far from him and his wife. So it became necessary for him tosuffer from cutting wood. Sean gave some expensive trees to him.nii n oot si noMany v ears passed. As Sean was going hunting as usual, he saw a rich man in front of him. Allthe people paid him respect. Sean went to ask him who he was and why the people paid so muchrespect to him.The man looked at Sean excitedly, “Don’t you remember me? I am the one who used to cut thewood and you met many years ago. You donated me expensive trees. I s old them for a good price andbecame very rich. I built schools and hospitals for many poor people. And I also helped some withtheir business. Then I got much respect.”70. How did the old man live before meeting Sean?


关于作者: yun

安徽省2022-2023学年七年级下学期期末教学质量调研英语 考卷答案的热门文章