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皖淮名校联盟2022~2023学年度第二学期高二联考(23-463B)英语 考卷答案






24.What’s the purpose of Li so we Lights?A.To prevent hurts in children’s families.B.To provide comfort for the foster children.C.To help the foster care take care of children.D.To collect donations for the foster care system.


30.Which of the following may the author probably agree with?A.The sense of humor is just decided by one factor.B.The sense of humor can’t change once developed.C.The sense of humor can be obtained by observing and following others.D.The sense of humor is a relatively simple one of people’s all character traits.

35.What is the text mainly talking about?A.The robot comedian Roh Thespian and its advantages.B.Robot technology is used to help us with our daily tasks.C.Predictions of the comedy of the future and concerns about it.D.A comparison between human comedians and robot comedians.


关于作者: yun

皖淮名校联盟2022~2023学年度第二学期高二联考(23-463B)英语 考卷答案的热门文章