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辽宁省2022~2023学年度高一6月份联考(23-516A)英语 考卷答案






27.What is the theme of the story?A.True human nature could be realized in the way we treat each other.B.Everyone can develop his team spirit in sports and please his parents.C.The rc sults of the game should not be the only concer of the players.s.D.Everyone has his own strength even if mentally or physically disabled.


29.What can we know about SETI before the Breakthrough Listen project?A. It only searched a few stars.

things from bird and flower markets, ”Yurets. Yu Le i said. People of all ages are interested in our work andhingp collecting different kinds of 49 things for uskeepin their s all workplace is beeoming popular 50on Hangzhou Road. They surely____ctu abelieve their small workplace can turn into a big one someday.AB.wind C. rich D.wise41.A.fullB/showsC. plays D.movies42. A. theatersB creatingC.stealing D.treating43. A. catchingB.attackedC attendedfounded D.suggestedC44.4. 10 45.A. similar B.generalC. difficult D.differentA C.invention D.direction46. A. success B businessC.waste47. A. spread B.manage D.spend48. A. watch B.collect C.pick D.throw49. A. priceless B.hopeful C.use less D.helpful50. A. privately B.secretly C.silently D rapidly


关于作者: yun

辽宁省2022~2023学年度高一6月份联考(23-516A)英语 考卷答案的热门文章