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2023年福建省中考导向预测模拟卷(六)英语 考卷答案






xed eaal1.knoplastitiohatt solsso tha someone else can use them. Clothes can be sent to people who need them. Most glass, paper andknow, recycling lets many things be used again. Give away an old TV or fridge. They can beoplewoodpiehat be cycl able. Instead of wasting these things, let them be used again.ces toDenser happens at the recycling center? Paper is made into small pieces that are mixed wilife.ro w asst. Besides, zeo make new paper. Glass and plastic are used to make new things.70. Howste is good for the environment. Reducing, reusing and recycling all play an important role in ourA.2.nan ro waste can help us live a greener life.W many cities joined in the“no-waste city” plan?D.42.


4.What is the probable relationship between th98peak ers?AA. Boss and employee.B.Teacher and student.C. Waitress and customer.5. Where does the cori versation probably take place? BA. In a hospital.B. In a restaurant.

Washington is bome to lots of trees, fireplaces and wood-burning stoves. But what if you couldn’tchop 41 ees,or couldnt afford to pay someone to do it? 42 Shane McDaniel and his twin sons arehappy to chop truckloads of wood-then donate it to those in need.____The 43 started as a father-son bonding project. “I had to cut wood with my dad. He just44 doing it. “says Shane. He wanted to 45 that feeling, so he and the twins spent the summerof 2018 chopping wood. The 46 was a great wall of wood pile d up.____47 , it was too much for the Me Daniels to use themselves, and when the weather turned cothat November, Shane started thinking of others. He 48 a photo of them and“Please help us help____someone who ARE IN NEED OF FIREWOOD AND CAN NOT AFFORD IT.”on Facebook. The 49was immediate. One man 50 to donate a wood-bur ring stove. One woman, noticing the photo of the____Me Daniel men in the Facebook post, felt 51 Please post more pictures. I d on’t need the wood.________52 truly I appreciate the eye candy!”Single mom Katelyn Ticer and her four-year-old daughter 53 a wood-burning stove as their sole____source of heat, so it was a 54 to receive a truckload of firewood from the Me Daniels. She told____msn. com, “So much stress and anxiety is 55 my shoulders. I couldnt be more thankful.”____ ShaNot every receiver is as 56 .“Some are n’t even friendly. It’s just not in them.”Shane says____“They are angry with the world and 57 that they had to ask for help. They just have no other option____than 58 .”But Shane is OK with that.“Giving is the 59, he says. It has nothing to do with____how well it’s received; it’s about how much it’s 60.C. bushes41. A. board B.treesD.wood42. A. Suddenly B. Fortunately C. ExcitedlyD. SurprisinglyB.issue C.ideaD. impression43. A. connection44. A. loved B.hated C. triedD.mindedD.believe in


关于作者: yun

2023年福建省中考导向预测模拟卷(六)英语 考卷答案的热门文章